

Electrolysis is the removal of hair roots or small blemishes on the skin by the application of heat using an electric current.

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Electrolysis is the removal of hair roots or small blemishes on the skin by the application of heat using an electric current.

Electrolysis is the removal of hair roots or small blemishes on the skin by the application of heat using an electric current.

What To Expect During Treatment

An electrologist inserts a fine wire filament, called a “probe” into the opening of the hair follicle.  The probe is typically the same diameter as the hair being treated.  It slides alongside the hair shaft, down to the root.  With state-art-of-technology, a small amount of electricity is gently applied to the root of the hair follicle.  The main objective is to destroy the blood supply along with the dermal papilla, and bulge cells.

Electrolysis uses heat, chemical, or a combination of both to destroy the hair follicle.  This can feel like a warming sensation or rubber band snap. This process damages the hair follicle so that it is not possible for the hair to regrow.  Sometimes the same hair follicle will grow a completely new hair, so it is important to treat each cycle of hair growth to receive an effective treatment.  When enough energy is emitted, the hair root releases and the hair is gently lifted out of the follicle with tweezers.  Each hair is treated in the same manner, one at a time. It can take several treatments to ensure the hair has been treated thoroughly.

What To Expect After Treatment

How you take care of your skin after treatment will severely impact the way your skin will look and heal. These temporary side effects must be treated with ultimate care to prevent permanent skin damage.There may be redness, swelling, welting, and itching at the treatment site, immediately after treatment.  These side effects will be at their worst after the first few treatments and can occur anywhere on the body.  With each treatment, the side effects will be less and less. If the skin is swollen or feels warm to the touch, apply a cold compress to the area.

Cleansing with witch hazel and applying aloe Vera gel is recommended to help clean and soothe the skin. Using an Epsom salt compress can also help alleviate symptoms. Small scabs may form over the next few days and usually fall off within a few days.

DO NOT PICK AT THE SCABS. Picking scabs could cause pitting and scarring to form. It is recommended to keep the area clean and apply a thin coat of triple antibiotic to prevent infection and scabs from forming. Your Electrologist will give you the post treatment instructions and personal special care you need.

What Should I Do In between Treatments?

It is important to stay on a regular schedule with your electrologist. Do not wax, sugar, pluck or use any method to remove the hair by the root. Shaving, trimming or using a cream depilatory to remove the hair in between treatments is okay. Removing hair by the root stimulates blood supply to the area, therefore, nourishing the remaining cells. When the hair regrows, it grows in thicker and deeper and creates a more difficult case for the electrologist. Staying on a schedule is crucial to receiving an effective treatment with lasting results.